- Once again this week, Tito Ortiz came across as a reasonable, intelligent, sensitive (in a manly way) human being. I'm really beginning to seriously question the whole Tito is a bad guy mythology. Tito may have an ego, and may think he deserves more money, but that doesn't make him a monster. And the disrespect thing? I can't help but think Ken is just one of those guys who think 'respect' is another word for 'kissing ass'. Besides, the Gay Mezger shirt is pretty funny. I think Dana could make money marketing them.
- I must question Joe Rogan's taste in friends. Because Taint Fletcher is just about the world's most pathetic excuse for a human being. As I said about another person this week, "I would hang out with him only if I could watch him slowly die of cancer."
- The same holds true for Jesse Forbes. Dude, you may be able to kick my ass, but you are a childish little nothing. I know its just a basketball, but its the principle of the thing. Meaningless destruction is just that, meaningless, whether its being done by an MMA fighter, or by a bunch of children who think they're fighting the system. I derived great pleasure seeing Noah tap you out this week, and the only thing that would have made it better would have been if he had broken your arm like a twig.
- Dear Michael Bispingandmoaning...shut your limey yap. Tito recognized that Matt needed something extra, and went out and got an interpreter. What a selfish, heartless bastard! Give me a break. Bisping is the kind of guy who would complain that people in wheelchairs get ramps and blind people get canes. If I have to hear him whine about how he "came all the way across the ocean" to train, Imma snap. Tito is trying to ensure that every member of his team gets the best training possible, and if that means getting an interpreter for Matt, I don't see what the big deal is. And the man even came to the house to cook dinner, and you're complaining about that? Bispingandmoaning needs to grow up.
- I'm enjoying the lack of challenges and the focus on training. Particularly when Ken Shamrock goes off on guys, and then the guys get lippy back. Kalib is either the dumbest man on the show, or the bravest. Lipping back to Ken Shamrock, who hasn't exactly shown himself to be a proponent of the Socratic method was ballsy. Cerebral ballsy.
- This is definitely shaping up to be a really good season. The only problem with the show, and it's a problem that is inherent in the format, is that you can tell how long the fight will be by the amount of time left in the show when the fight starts. They could do something about this by starting the fights earlier, and then showing some of the after-fight goings-ons. This would help to eliminate the first problem, and could add some entertainment. Although it is nice watching the Walk of Shame, particularly when it's someone like Forbes.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
TUF3 Thoughts
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Rate Me, Rate Me My Friend
I used to work for AC Nielsen Canada. The TV ratings people. Only I didn't work in the TV ratings department. I just thought I'd make that clear.
I've always been skeptical of Nielsen ratings. Particularly given the number of television stations now available. That, and the fact that, despite the emphasis placed on achieving high ratings numbers, there are also a number of other factors that determine a show's success. For example, wrestling brings in a good demographic (Males aged 18-34) and does half decent numbers. But because its wrestling, advertisers are still reluctant to do business. Because of the stigma attached to professional wrestling. So the ratings, despite claims to the contrary, are not the most important factor in determining a show's success.
This leads me to an interesting question. TNA has now moved their tapings from Tuesday to Monday nights, to give them time to properly edit the show. This means that there are some wrestling fans in Orlando who won't be watching Monday Night Raw because they're at TNA tapings. (This isn't to say that all TNA fans watch WWE, but I think I could strongly argue a large amount of crossover.) And I don't think that depriving Raw of a few hundred viewers was a motivation behind the move.
What happens if ONE of those fans who attends a TNA taping is also a Nielsen box person? What effect will that have on Raw's ratings? Will the loss of one Nielsen box adversely affect the ratings? Just what impact does one box have on this supposedly scientific method of measurement?
Just a thought.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Ultimate Fighter Ramblings

- What is up with the ads on the mat causing guys to slip? Seriously, it happens again and again, and probably played a role in Ken Shamrock's ass-whipping at the hands of Rich Franklin. Dear Dana, I understand your desire to bring in money with these ads, but when it has an adverse affect on the fights, which, ostensibly, are what you're selling, then you need to re-examine things.
- Did anyone come out of Ultimate Fight Night looking better than they did going in? Maybe Josh Neer, but only because he was supposed to lose to Joe Stephenson. Now, the golden boy of TUF2 has lost and lost ugly. Not the best way to build on his victory. Leben has been exposed, Rashad has been exposed, and Bonnar...
- I call BULLROAR on the Bonnar decision. I would have said 29-28 for Jardine in that fight. At the very least, I was expecting a split decision. Bonnar did not deserve to win. Not that the win did anything to move Stephan up anybody's rankings.
- This is a serious problem with the whole TUF concept. Yes, these guys are good fighters. But if they're the only personalities you're going to build on, then you're up the proverbial creek sans paddle when they get exposed. It started with Nate's drubbing at the hands of Rich Franklin, and its going to continue. UFC needs to bring in other personalities to sell the product, because relying on TUF alumni is not going to pass muster.
- There is no way Dana White could, or should, be happy with what he saw in those four fights.
- Speaking of which. Okay, all four fights went the distance. That means there were 60 minutes of fights, plus 8 minutes of breaks between rounds. So let's say 70 minutes of fights. And they went OVERTIME!!! Time management Dana. You had 120 minutes to show 70 minutes of fights. Even with 24 minutes of commercials, that is still too much wasted time. Stop forcing us to watch bad promos and vignettes. If I want promos and vignettes, I'll watch WWE, who have turned not showing fights into an art form. But the name of the game is fighting. Deliver fights.
- One word...Rampage.
- I heartily agree with Todd Martin's assessment of TUF3. I don't know anything about the fighters, but I think this is going to be the best season yet.
- Thank HHH they've gotten rid of the challenges. Not that "Randy" didn't come up with some doozies, but let's face it, they weren't what you want from a fighting reality show. They proved it with the atrocity that was the "$1,000,000" Tough Enough on Smackdown, and the challenges on TUF 1&2 made it even more emphatic. The challenges are the fights. They shouldn't need to worry about injuring themselves while trying to steal socks or move logs. They should train, and they should fight.
- Okay, shaving a guy's eyebrow when he's passed out is funny. Cruel, but funny. But when he wakes up and you have to hold him down, and then dig the clippers in so deep you cut him? That's assault brother. Not funny, not cool, just stupid.
- Okay, you had a tough day of training and trying to impress the coaches. And you know you have to do it all again tomorrow. So why do you decide to get falling down drunk after the first day? I don't work out, but I can't imagine its either easier or more enjoyable when fighting a hangover.
- Okay, Ken hates Tito. Dana hates Tito. Tito hates Ken. Tito thinks Dana (and the Fertittas) are cheap bastards. Here's the problem. Tito is, thusfar, the most likable guy on TUF3. What does that say about the kind of people that Ken and Dana are?
- Seriously Ken, your coaching decisions stink. A nutritionist and not a jiu-jitsu coach? You said you don't know jiu-jitsu, and thats supposed to mean that the other guys shouldn't either? Ken, you got your ass handed to you by Franklin. Royce Gracie is going to be served his on silver platter by Matt Hughes. The world has turned, and MMA has evolved. You are doing your team a great disservice. Not just on the show, but in the future. You should be giving them the tools they need to progress, and bodybuilding nutritionists are not one of those tools. Can't they get all the nutrition they need from Xyience anyway?
- I really want to see the British guys go far. Although I did like the Maple Leaf shaved into Kalib's hair. Nationalism tends to be hellalame, but it can also be kinda funny.
- UFC 59 should be an okay show. I think this show will be the ultimate test of where the TUF guys are at in comparison to other fighters. Forrest is their poster boy, their golden child, their great white hope. And if Tito chews him up and spits him out...
- I also agree with ToMar's assessment of the promotion of UFC 59. Sylvia/Arlovski is not the money fight. I don't think the heavyweight division is going to deliver a money fight for a while. Arlovski is a beast, and he's going to trample whoever they feed him for a while. Besides, Tito and Forrest have name recognition. People want to see Tito's first fight back, and Forrest's first major hurdle. Thats the money fight, and thats what they should be promoting.
- But of course, I will be going to watch UFC 59 at the Oar House, and hope to convince my friend Tamara and her boyfriend Matt to join me and my roommate to enjoy the show. I do, however, hope to avoid sitting too near Ivey clones and their turned up collars.
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