With All Apologies to Kenny Rogers
Words are meaningless. Just watch. Brilliant.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Johnny Cash God's Gonna Cut You Down
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
My head's been wet with the midnight dew
I've been down on bended knee talkin' to the man from Galilee
He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet
He called my name and my heart stood still
When he said, "John go do My will!"
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
My head's been wet with the midnight dew
I've been down on bended knee talkin' to the man from Galilee
He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet
He called my name and my heart stood still
When he said, "John go do My will!"
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Raw? More Like, Um, I Got Nothing...

I haven't watched Monday Night Raw in a while, partly because my roommate prefers CSI: Miami, and partly because WWE hasn't been particularly compelling, and partly because I had about as much interest in a D-X reunion as I do in the impending Genesis reunion.*
But last night I decided to watch Raw, seeing as how I had little to no interest in the Seahawks/Raiders Monday Night Football game. Although I am upset I missed the Play of the Day.
Now I wish I had chosen option B, which was to re-enact the optic nerve scene from Hostel, while listening to Barry Manilow, and wearing lederhosen.
Last night's show was everything wrong with WWE today, all neatly packaged in two hours and ten minutes. Moronic stipulations, bad matches, offensive stereotypes, misogyny, homophobia, and piss poor acting. By about halfway through the show, I actually started missing David Caruso's wooden delivery.
If you want a recap of the show, check out Todd Martin's recap here. Or you can check out Jamie Pennick's Talking Points. Although perhaps the best analysis of the show comes from John Pollock of Live Audio Wrestling, who wrote that " *There is no truth to the rumor that Vince Russo booked last night’s edition of “Raw”."
There was absolutely nothing good on that show. If WWE is trying to drive away what little audience they have left, this is the type of show that will accomplish that goal.
When this is the last image you have as the show goes off the air, you need to take a step back and examine what direction the show is taking.

People don't want fat faux male strippers.
People don't want to see Eric Bischoff's face in those stripper's buttocks.
People don't want meaningless stipulations.
People don't want 40 year old men pretending to be 30 year old men pretending to be 20 year old punks.
People don't want to see 50 year old men beating 25 year old men who are supposed to be the future of the company.
People don't want to see a guy pretending to mentally challenged beating up an old man with pieces of wood.
I will admit that there is probably some interest in seeing K-Fed get beaten up by a guy pretending to an actor and rapper. But what does it say about the WWE today when the number one heel in the company is a guy who is famous for being married to Britney Spears, who is quickly on her way to the title of Dana Plato for the next millennium. But will this interest drive up buyrates or ratings? Doubtful.
I'm just surprised they didn't find a way to talk about Eddie Guerrero being dead on the show. But then again, next week is the first anniversary of Eddie's death, so I'm sure Chavo and Vicki Guerrero will dig up Eddie's corpse, so Triple H can skull fuck it, Batista can piss on it, and Shawn Michaels can bury it, since he never got the chance to do so before Eddie died.
* Just a note, Genesis stopped being relevant when Peter Gabriel left and Phil Collins took over.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Why Aren't You Watching?
We are now a couple of months into the new television season, and the body count is starting to pile up. NBC's Kidnapped was banished to the graveyard that is Saturday nights, and told to wrap things up in 13 episodes. There is also talk that Twenty Good Years, starring John Lithgow and Jeffrey Tambor, is also getting the boot. CBS's Smith, starring Ray Liotta, Virginia Madsen and Amy Smart was bumped off. Fox's Vanished has also been ordered to wrap things up in 13 episodes. Evidently the CW (the merger of UPN and The WB) had a show called Runaway that has also been killed off. I'm fine with all of these, because I only watched one of them, Vanished, and it wasn't very good. But now there are rumours starting to abound that some of the season's better offerings may be on the chopping block. So I implore you, if you watch television, if you despair over the lack of quality offerings on network (ie non-HBO & Showtime) television, start watching these good shows.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Aaron Sorkin just keeps on churning out great shows. First Sports Night, then The West Wing, and now Studio 60. An hour long drama about the inner workings of a Saturday Night Live-esque show. I swear, Matthew Perry was born to recite Sorkin dialogue. And Bradley Whitford just picks up where he left off with West Wing, delivering great performances. Add in DL Hughley, Sarah Paulson, Nate Corddry, Steven Weber, and Timothy Busfield, and you've got a great cast. Hell, even Amanda Peet manages to do more than flash her sexy toothy smile.
There was a great moment in the first episode where Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford are having a conversation in a half-taxi used for sketches. Their conversation finished, they get up to leave. Perry walks out the front, since there is no front half of the cab, while Whitford opens the door and gets out. Brilliant.
What's even better is that the show discusses issues that need to be discussed, but tend to get lost in the white noise of status quo television. The role, and under-representation of minorities on television. The effect of the growing corporatization of the entertainment industry. The self-censorship created in the culture of fear birthed on 9/11. The growing influence of religious right neo-conservatives. The role of art in a commercial capitalist culture. All this, wrapped up in an entertaining and compelling dramedy.
And I think thats the problem. People aren't used to having network television offer up these issues. They're used to dealing with the issues like the range of grapefruit pulp, or who is sleeping with whom, or any of the other banal minutiae that are typically offered. And don't get me wrong, I like to indulge in mindless escapist entertainment. After all, I'm a wrestling fan, and I watch The Ultimate Fighter. But I also like to be challenged from time to time. Shows like Studio 60 do that.
The other complaint I've heard about Studio 60 is that its too much like another show that NBC offered this year:
30 Rock: I'll be the first to admit it, I have a thing for Tina Fey. For a while, she was the only bright spot on Saturday Night Live, with her place at the Weekend Update newsdesk helping to make the show watchable. Some jackasses at one of those "men's" magazines labelled her as one of the must unattractive women on television, but I think thats because they know she is smarter than them.
This show is brilliant. Alec Baldwin follows up a spectacular performance in The Departed to appear on the show as a GE executive who, after inventing the "trivection" oven, is given command of the "The Girlie Show" presided over by Tina Fey, and starring Jane Krakowski. His first move, to bring in Tracy Morgan, who channels Martin Lawrence in presenting a seriously unbalanced, delusional, often unintentionally hilarious, comedian. While the entire cast is hilarious, as is the writing, the best part of the show is Jack McBrayer, who plays NBC page Kenneth. Overly exuberant, utterly naive Kenneth, of whom Baldwin says, "In twenty years, we'll all either be working for him, or be dead by his hand."
Currently the show is on Wednesdays at 8, but it is said that NBC will be moving the show to Thursdays at 9, followed by Scrubs. This will give NBC a two hour block of great comedies, reminiscent of the good old days when NBC had shows like Cheers, Night Court, Friends, and others in that slot, dominating it for years. But now, Thursdays at 8 is Survivor, and 9 is CSI versus Grey's Anatomy. I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy since ABC moved it, but evidently quite a few people are, as it is winning the battle over CSI.
I implore you people, stop watching Survivor. It is the Terry Schiavo of television. Just let it die already. It had a good run, it helped to lower the bar for television programming for years to come, and paved the way for such mind-numbing treacle as Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, Unan1mous, The Apprentice, and all the other reality shows that continue to pollute the airwaves.
And I'll admit it, I chose to watch Survivor in the past. But today, if given the choice between Survivor (or any other "reality" show) and a well-written, well-acted comedy like My Name is Earl or The Office, I'll take the show that admits to being scripted.
As for CSI, I will also admit to being fascinated by the show in the past. But the lustre has worn off. Issues such as the 'CSI Effect' along with the continuing melodrama that pervades what should be a police procedural have made me sick of CSI. And don't get me started on CSI's bastard children. And I'm just a civilian. If you really want to hear from people who hate CSI, talk to cops who have to deal with the repercussions of the show, and the ridiculous heightened expectations that it creates in the minds of the general public.
So people of the world, I am begging you. Stop watching Survivor and CSI. Break free from the shackles of mediocre comfort television, and embrace shows that are offering something better than the status quo. Studio 60 and 30 Rock are two such shows. But perhaps the best new show this year is:
Friday Night Lights: Film adaptations are a tricky beast. Really, any time you try to capture what worked in one medium and translate it to another, you're going to run into problems. Robert Rodriguez did it successfully with Sin City. Sam Raimi did it with Spiderman. Peter Jackson did it with Lord of the Rings (although I know some fanboys who disagree). Catwoman is an example of a horrendous failure. So too is Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Friday Night Lights is an interesting case, because it is a television show, based on a movie, which was based on a book, which was based on the author's experiences over the span of a year in the town of Odessa, Texas. Obviously, the movie couldn't capture everything from the book. The movie focused on the football team at Permian High, while the book was about the entire town, with the Permian Panthers as the focal point. It raised questions about the priorities of the modern education system, the role of sports in community building, and the economics of small-town America in an increasingly growing global America.
I think the television show will be able to address these issues, if they're given the time. Some of the details from the book have been changed, such as the name of the team. But really, the only complaint I have is that they changed the team colours from black and white to yellow and blue. But its entirely possible that was done for legal reasons. Or because someone at the show is a Michigan fan. But apart from these minor changes, the show has the potential to address the issues raised by the book. The problems of joining and agreeing without question, a problem found not only in small-town football, but in the military, and authoritarian nation-states. The problems of hegemonic masculinity. The problems caused by major paradigm shifts when your world view is too myopic.
Friday Night Lights has the potential to be an important, powerful television show. It has great performances from Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, and a group of young people playing the students. It has smart writing, a universal plot (well, North-Americanal, but that's not a word), and a message. So naturally, nobody is watching.
I'm begging you, good people of North America, take some time to check out these shows. They are smart, they are funny, they are what television is supposed to be.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Aaron Sorkin just keeps on churning out great shows. First Sports Night, then The West Wing, and now Studio 60. An hour long drama about the inner workings of a Saturday Night Live-esque show. I swear, Matthew Perry was born to recite Sorkin dialogue. And Bradley Whitford just picks up where he left off with West Wing, delivering great performances. Add in DL Hughley, Sarah Paulson, Nate Corddry, Steven Weber, and Timothy Busfield, and you've got a great cast. Hell, even Amanda Peet manages to do more than flash her sexy toothy smile.
There was a great moment in the first episode where Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford are having a conversation in a half-taxi used for sketches. Their conversation finished, they get up to leave. Perry walks out the front, since there is no front half of the cab, while Whitford opens the door and gets out. Brilliant.
What's even better is that the show discusses issues that need to be discussed, but tend to get lost in the white noise of status quo television. The role, and under-representation of minorities on television. The effect of the growing corporatization of the entertainment industry. The self-censorship created in the culture of fear birthed on 9/11. The growing influence of religious right neo-conservatives. The role of art in a commercial capitalist culture. All this, wrapped up in an entertaining and compelling dramedy.
And I think thats the problem. People aren't used to having network television offer up these issues. They're used to dealing with the issues like the range of grapefruit pulp, or who is sleeping with whom, or any of the other banal minutiae that are typically offered. And don't get me wrong, I like to indulge in mindless escapist entertainment. After all, I'm a wrestling fan, and I watch The Ultimate Fighter. But I also like to be challenged from time to time. Shows like Studio 60 do that.
The other complaint I've heard about Studio 60 is that its too much like another show that NBC offered this year:
30 Rock: I'll be the first to admit it, I have a thing for Tina Fey. For a while, she was the only bright spot on Saturday Night Live, with her place at the Weekend Update newsdesk helping to make the show watchable. Some jackasses at one of those "men's" magazines labelled her as one of the must unattractive women on television, but I think thats because they know she is smarter than them.
This show is brilliant. Alec Baldwin follows up a spectacular performance in The Departed to appear on the show as a GE executive who, after inventing the "trivection" oven, is given command of the "The Girlie Show" presided over by Tina Fey, and starring Jane Krakowski. His first move, to bring in Tracy Morgan, who channels Martin Lawrence in presenting a seriously unbalanced, delusional, often unintentionally hilarious, comedian. While the entire cast is hilarious, as is the writing, the best part of the show is Jack McBrayer, who plays NBC page Kenneth. Overly exuberant, utterly naive Kenneth, of whom Baldwin says, "In twenty years, we'll all either be working for him, or be dead by his hand."
Currently the show is on Wednesdays at 8, but it is said that NBC will be moving the show to Thursdays at 9, followed by Scrubs. This will give NBC a two hour block of great comedies, reminiscent of the good old days when NBC had shows like Cheers, Night Court, Friends, and others in that slot, dominating it for years. But now, Thursdays at 8 is Survivor, and 9 is CSI versus Grey's Anatomy. I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy since ABC moved it, but evidently quite a few people are, as it is winning the battle over CSI.
I implore you people, stop watching Survivor. It is the Terry Schiavo of television. Just let it die already. It had a good run, it helped to lower the bar for television programming for years to come, and paved the way for such mind-numbing treacle as Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, Unan1mous, The Apprentice, and all the other reality shows that continue to pollute the airwaves.
And I'll admit it, I chose to watch Survivor in the past. But today, if given the choice between Survivor (or any other "reality" show) and a well-written, well-acted comedy like My Name is Earl or The Office, I'll take the show that admits to being scripted.
As for CSI, I will also admit to being fascinated by the show in the past. But the lustre has worn off. Issues such as the 'CSI Effect' along with the continuing melodrama that pervades what should be a police procedural have made me sick of CSI. And don't get me started on CSI's bastard children. And I'm just a civilian. If you really want to hear from people who hate CSI, talk to cops who have to deal with the repercussions of the show, and the ridiculous heightened expectations that it creates in the minds of the general public.
So people of the world, I am begging you. Stop watching Survivor and CSI. Break free from the shackles of mediocre comfort television, and embrace shows that are offering something better than the status quo. Studio 60 and 30 Rock are two such shows. But perhaps the best new show this year is:
Friday Night Lights: Film adaptations are a tricky beast. Really, any time you try to capture what worked in one medium and translate it to another, you're going to run into problems. Robert Rodriguez did it successfully with Sin City. Sam Raimi did it with Spiderman. Peter Jackson did it with Lord of the Rings (although I know some fanboys who disagree). Catwoman is an example of a horrendous failure. So too is Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Friday Night Lights is an interesting case, because it is a television show, based on a movie, which was based on a book, which was based on the author's experiences over the span of a year in the town of Odessa, Texas. Obviously, the movie couldn't capture everything from the book. The movie focused on the football team at Permian High, while the book was about the entire town, with the Permian Panthers as the focal point. It raised questions about the priorities of the modern education system, the role of sports in community building, and the economics of small-town America in an increasingly growing global America.
I think the television show will be able to address these issues, if they're given the time. Some of the details from the book have been changed, such as the name of the team. But really, the only complaint I have is that they changed the team colours from black and white to yellow and blue. But its entirely possible that was done for legal reasons. Or because someone at the show is a Michigan fan. But apart from these minor changes, the show has the potential to address the issues raised by the book. The problems of joining and agreeing without question, a problem found not only in small-town football, but in the military, and authoritarian nation-states. The problems of hegemonic masculinity. The problems caused by major paradigm shifts when your world view is too myopic.
Friday Night Lights has the potential to be an important, powerful television show. It has great performances from Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, and a group of young people playing the students. It has smart writing, a universal plot (well, North-Americanal, but that's not a word), and a message. So naturally, nobody is watching.
I'm begging you, good people of North America, take some time to check out these shows. They are smart, they are funny, they are what television is supposed to be.
TUF 4.11
I really should be working on my second chapter. But I have writer's block. So I am taking the advice I gave to my tutorial students, and using this blog as an attempt to break the walls down.
On with the show
Major Points
On with the show
Major Points
- Random acts of violence. Pete Spratt decides he wants to break through the wall of the house to the outside. Not with a sledge hammer or other blunt instrument, but through the application of sheer brute force. For some reason however, Mikey Burnett is the one who does the actual running at the wall. Have no fear faithful reader, he's wearing swim goggles for protection. And actually, I would say that the eyes are probably the most vulnerable part of Mikey Burnett's head.
- Mikey does a fair to middling job of putting Mikey shaped dents in the sheetrock, but is unable to reach the outside. The wall however, draws first blood.
- The hidden television makes an appearance, as the boys get to watch the TUF3 finale. Oh Ed Herman, will Tito ever love you?
- Preparations for Lutter/Drago begin. Dana picks Lutter.
- Chuck Liddell trains with Drago. Liddell is cool.
- Tired of trying to act as a human wrecking ball, the boys in the house practice throwing playing cards. In theory. It breaks down into a game of whip shit across the room, moving from playing cards to poker chips, and ending with ice cream and Twinkies.
- Lutter trains with noboby. Team No Love has seemingly given up on training, so Lutter, the only TNL member to accomplish anything, is left to his own devices for his training. We get some great footage of Lutter jogging alone. Which is odd, because I thought they weren't allowed to go anywhere alone. I mean, Jeremy Jackson got kicked off for leaving the house to go play slap and tickle with a lifeguard. Maybe semi-finalists get special treatment.
- We actually get to hear from Mark DellaGrotte, who is training with Travis. MDG is a third.
- The fight starts around 10:30. We all know what that means by now.
- Drago's strategy seems to be trying to punch, failing, and then falling to his back with Lutter on top. Somebody's a bottom.
- Lutter makes a game of trying to hit every inch of Drago's face with part of his arm. Lutter wins. He also wins the fight, 30-27.
- Drago cries.
- Chuck Liddell is good people.
- Lutter is unscathed from his fight, so he should be in good shape for the finals. Which are in a week and a half, or, four months after the semi-final fights.
- I was glad to see Drago crying after losing his fight. Not because I want him to suffer (although he never did drop 'I Will Break You') but because it was a moment of authenticity on the show. Those are rare on reality tv.
- After commenting on the relative maturity of the fighters this season, I was disappointed with the decision to play smash the wall. Meaningless destruction is stupid, particularly when somebody is going to have to pay for the damages.
- I've also thought Matt Serra was a great coach all season, but reflecting on this episode, I wasn't very impressed. Matt was too encouraging while Drago was lying there doing his impression of a side of beef. He should have been yelling more than "Nice!"
- Lutter was pretty gassed after the fight. I hope he's been working on his cardio for the finale.
- I cannot in good conscience let the events that stemmed from the playing card throwing go unmentioned. Most of the events were fairly benign. But then they started wasting Twinkies. Twinkies are the food of the gods, and deserve greater respect. I only thank the stars that they weren't wasting Hostess Fruit Pies, or I would be very upset. Mass-produced snack cakes deserve greater respect.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Bound For Glory
So I was all set to watch Pride "Real Deal" at Crabby Joe's on Saturday night, when, a couple of weeks ago, I got a better offer. My brother emailed me and told me he had won tickets to go see Bound for Glory in Detroit, courtesy of Viewers Choice Canada. We made some plans, arranged for the proper transportation and accomodation, and headed down to Detroit for the big show. You can get recaps all over the net, so I'm not going to bother giving all the details. I'm just going to reflect on the show as it came across to the audience live in the arena.
General Thoughts
General Thoughts
- I am overweight. So I love visiting the United States. Because I'm the same size as just about everybody else.
- I hereby demand that American restaurants make their way into Canada. I'm looking at you Cracker Barrel, Denny's, Chili's and Olive Garden. And don't give me none of that 'It didn't work the first time' crap Olive Garden. It was all good, and then one location didn't do well, so you cut and ran. But we Canadians are a forgiving people, and we will gladly welcome you back. Please, come back and put East Side Mario's out of business. Their commercials make me want to kill puppies.
- I also demand that Hostess Fruit Pies be made available in Canada. I know they're going to be the death of me, but I'll die happy dammit!
- I've been a wrestling fan for over twenty years now. In that time, I've weathered bad storylines, bad wrestlers, Vince Russo, and a scourge of avoidable and unnecessary wrestler deaths. But the thing that makes me consider giving up wrestling forever is none of those. Instead, its other wrestling fans. I know this is going to make me sound like a snob, but there is nothing more disturbing than the crowd you'll find at a live wrestling event. From that guy who dresses like Hulk Hogan, to the stereotypical gap-toothed rednecks, to the overweight virgins with their misspelled signs. A wrestling event can be a damn depressing place. And I'm not saying that all wrestling fans are like that. Some of my best friends have been wrestling fans, and I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in public with any of them. But a live wrestling event truly draws in a diverse cross-section of North Americana. The next time anyone questions why advertisers are reluctant to advertise with pro wrestling, go to a live event.
- I did run into a couple of guys from The LAW at the show. One of them is a total dick. The other is Dan Lovranski, who is very personable.
- Okay, I gotta say this. The seats at the Compuware Sports Arena suck. I'm talking Linda Lovelace level of sucking.
- Okay, TNA, you really need to make some changes if you want to be taken seriously. Some of them I'll get into when I talk about the show, but here's a big one. Have more than one merch table. Seriously, half hour waits for shirts isn't cool. And also important is location. If you're going to make people wait around till you open the doors, have a merch table out there. When people wait, they get bored. And when they're bored, they buy shit. Think about it.
- Our seats weren't bad. If you saw the show, we were in the stands to the left of the entrance ramp. So we had a good view of the entrances. And not a bad view of the ring.
- Before the show started, Jeremy Borash was throwing stuff into the crowd. Dude has a good arm.
- Chant of the Pre-Show: 'Thank You Dixie' for TNA President Dixie Carter. Classy and well-deserved.
- Okay, for weeks they've been plugging Bobby Roode's quest for a new manager. They brought in Sheri Martel, Bobby Heenan, Col. Parker to tease the big announcement. And the big announcement is...Traci Brooks. Now Ms. Brooks, her unnaturally large breasts barely constrained by a quasi-sexy business blazer. Yawn. All that buildup to re-re-re-re-introduce Traci Brooks? Brutal. And boring.
- Okay, this is the first of my major complaints about the show. TNA had large video screens set up at the entrance ramp. But they didn't use them enough. So whenever something was happening backstage, we didn't see it. So much of the show was lost on us.
- The match was pretty good, with some entertaining comedy, and some good moves. The match wasn't supposed to be a technical masterpiece, and instead was meant to get the crowd psyched up and excited.
- It was great seeing the return of D-Ray 3000, particularly his heartwarming reunion with Shark Boy.
- The return of Austin
AriesStarr was also great, although I don't like the name change as I find it unnecessary and annoying. - Zack Gowen may be annoying, but he's kind of impressive.
- Sirelda is annoying, but at least she's not Chyna. Or Asya. Or Nicole Bass.
- The other problem with the Austin Aries (I'm sorry, I refuse to call him Austin Starr) return was that we were unsure whether he was a heel or a face. Even when Nash was handing him the trophy we weren't sure. But if this leads to some Alex Shelley vs Austin Aries matches, I'm all for it.
- Boring. How many times are The Naturals going to win the Number One Contendership and then lose a PPV match? And then get slapped around by Shane Douglas? Yawn.
- And the James Gang and AMW just disappeared. They brawled backstage, and that was the last we heard from them. Very stupid.
- The match had some good action, with some awesome spots. Joe's senton driving Abyss' face into the tacks. Runt's plummet followed by Abyss' elbow drop.
- This match earned the first "This is Awesome" chant of the evening. Somewhat undeserving, but because it was the first intense match of the night, it got some crowd love.
- My big problem with this match is that it was a huge waste of Joe. They put him in a holding pattern after he beat JJJ last month, but his involvement in this match made no sense.
- Plus, what was with Jake stopping people from using chairs? Thumbtacks are okay, but you can't hit guys with chairs? Lame.
- Plus, the victory didn't help Joe, it hurt him. He needed a Jake DDT to beat Raven? How stupid. Joe shouldn't need Jake's help to beat anyone, let alone Raven.
- And when the hell is Raven going to get his title rematch?
- I hate Larry Zybysko. And not that heel heat that makes me want to see him get his comeuppance. That heat that makes me turn the channel when he's on my television. So, in other words, Jeff Jarrett heat.
- Eric Young on the other hand, is hilarious. This match was pure comedy, and made no sense, seeing as how Young was 'fired' last week. But it was short, so it was inoffensive.
- The crowd was really into the 'Don't Fire Eric' chants. Now they just need to get Eric a new gimmick.
- This is the other major problem with the show - the sound.
- I couldn't hear a word Cornette had to say. I guess he had laryngitis, but the sound was awful.
- Angle appeared, and got a pretty good reaction. Then he said a bunch of things that we couldn't hear.
- Evidently he said something that called out Joe, because Joe ran out.
- Then I think they fought or something. But because it was on the floor at ringside, we couldn't see anything. So, no sound, and no video. And because TNA wasn't putting the show on the video screens, it was pointless. So we just sat there with our thumbs up our asses.
- Then they fought on the ramp. We could see that, so a pretty good 'Let Them Fight' chant got going. Sadly, they did not heed our advice.
- If I am locked in a coffin and slowly starved to death, but was shown this match over and over again while I died, I would die happy.
- This more than atones for the Jackass crap we've been forced to endure lately.
- I could go on, but suffice it to say, this match was more than deserving of the 'This Is Awesome' chant it elicitied. That chant also made me glad to see that the crowd wasn't just into the violent brawls.
- Bad. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.
- The match started outside. Not a good sign. They did show this on the big screens, but the cameras weren't equipped with lights, making the footage as useful as a Tony Snow press conference.
- There was a lame bit where Rhino drove the Zamboni part way into the arena, with Christian on the hood. If you're going to rip off Steve Austin gimmicks, at least do them right.
- The brawl then took place at a recreation of Eight Mile E. Which consisted of some fake street signs and some plastic street light Christmas decorations. It was so authentic, I thought I was on the real Eight Mile.
- The only cool spot was Christian Cage putting Rhino in a straitjacket. But once Rhino fought back, the ref helped Rhino out. WTF? At least have a plant in the crowd do it.
- Bad.
- Once again, Styles and Daniels prove why they are the best things in wrestling today.
- And 'Cide proved why he belongs in the ring with them.
- And Hernandez proved he deserves the opportunity.
- And Konnan proved he is a great mouthpiece/manager.
- This match is in a dead heat with the Sabin/Senshi match for Match of the Night. Crazy spots, non-stop action, and tequila as a weapon. This match had it all.
- Including the coat hanger!
- The Gringo/Cop Killa is the sickest move in wrestling today. And the fluidity with which Homicide applies it makes it even better.
- I think I fell aslep during JJJ's entrance.
- This match was boring, and I had no interest in watching it. I hate Jarrett, but I also didn't want Sting to win. For me, the best-case scenario was for Russo to run in, and the three of them to fight over the belt, only to have the lighting grid collapse, killing JJJ and Russo, and ending Sting's career. Sadly, that didn't happen.
- Angle making himself the referee by Angle slamming the ref made little to no sense. But then again, ref logic wasn't a continuing theme of the show.
- When Sting won, some people were excited, but not enough to justify putting the belt on him. Sting should be helping to build new guys, not winning titles from a sack of crap like JJJ, who has no business being anywhere near a title belt of any kind.
- The guy in front of me had a sign that said 'Jeff Jarrett + Sting = WCW' That says it all right there.
- Some technical difficulties really hurt this show. Well that, and a main event that had all the appeal of a syphillitic leprous crack whore. The undercard was strong, and for the most part really delivered. Hopefully TNA management gets a clue and takes JJJ out of the main event picture.
- Or ideally, out of the picture altogether.
- They need new LAX shirts. I'm happy with the "Joe's Gonna Kill You" shirt I got. And my roomie likes the Angle shirt I got him. But I think a shirt with "You Can Stop A Revolutionary...But You Can't Stop A Revolution" shirt would be killer.
- I've been to WWE PPVs, TV and house shows. I've been to indy shows. And now I've been to a TNA PPV. The production values aren't up to WWE standards yet, but they deliver a better in-ring product. Which, when you get right down to it, is more important.
Friday, October 20, 2006
TUF 4.10
I've added some links in the sidebar. Of note is Matt Serra's TUF4 blog...it's quite interesting to get Serra's point of view on the episodes after they've aired.
Also check out Dave Zirin, one of the few liberal minded sports writers out there.
Okay, on with the show, this is it.
Main Points
Next week, Pete Sell vs Travis Lutter. Still no word on whether Sell drops "I must break you." Maybe he's saving it for the finale.
Finally, I know there was no way to mention this on the show, but I'm loving the fact that the Middleweight winner won't be facing Rich Franklin. Congratulations to Anderson Silva for beating Franklin like a Leben. And especially on busting up Rich's pretty boy nose. Seriously though, Silva looked great, but I'm sure Franklin is going to come back strong. Not necessarily take his title back, but he's not done by any stretch of the imagination.
Also check out Dave Zirin, one of the few liberal minded sports writers out there.
Okay, on with the show, this is it.
Main Points
- Matt Serra goes off on Marc Laimon for Laimon's perceived lack of respect for the Gracie's. Matt Hughes sits to the side and eggs them both on. Serra says that Laimon should just keep his mouth shut, since Laimon never actually fights. Laimon says he can say whatever he wants because he has 'freedom of speech.'
- Din congratulates Serra on calling Laimon out and laying a verbal beating on him.
- Shonie is now spraypainting furniture. Okay Shonie, simple spray paint advice. 1) Use a drop cloth. 2) Get things you don't want to paint out of the room. 3) OPEN A WINDOW!!! Seriously, the guy had fans going, but the blinds were closed. I don't care if the windows behind them were open, it's not that effective when the venetian blinds are covering the windows.
- Tired of Shonie's antics, Rich Clementi and Jorge Rivera come up with "Phonie" Carter. 'Phonie' is Jorge in a clown wig, red rubber nose, and clown shoes. And, of course, a banana hammock. Mikey Burnett and Jorge perform a re-enactment of Shonie/Serra I, complete with spinning back fist o' doom.
- Shonie asks Rich Clementi to be his cornerman. Serra has GSP.
- Serra talks about how much he wanted this fight, and how he thought it would never happen, due to Shonie's moving up a weight class, and his (Serra's) moving down.
- The night before the fight, Shonie and Serra chat on the patio. They comment on the fact that its been six years since that first fight. It's actually quite touching and gives a sense of the odd friendships that are formed in MMA. Shonie says he wants ice cream.
- The fight starts around the half hour mark. Hmm, I wonder how long this fight will be? Oooh, the anticipation.
- First round sees Serra dominate on the ground, getting Shonie's back a few times, but Shonie is always able to escape and stand back up. At one point raining down punches like played for Miami and Shonie was FIU. With about 30 seconds left, Shonie nails a spinning back fist that rocks Serra.
- Second round has more of the same, with Serra taking Shonie to the ground, only to see Shonie escape. Things are more evenly matched when standing, with both guys throwing some good punches. You can tell Shonie is starting to get a little gassed.
- Third round is another good round, with both fighters playing to their strengths.
- Serra wins the decision, but we have no idea how the judges called it. I would say 30-27, but I can see some judges giving Shonie the first based on his comeback at the end. Or Cecil Peoples could have decided it was 10-8 because he just makes up the fight in his head.
- Serra ripped Laimon a new one. Also interesting is the revelation on his blog that "all of this happened the night before the incident with Matt Hughes and GSP in the restaurant. Tricky editing, as usual, would lead you to believe that this was after the semifinal matchups had been decided." That's one of the best things about Serra's blog...his information about the way the show has been edited to take things out of context.
- A good fight. I think Shonie showed himself to be much better than people expected, and Serra showed why he is dangerous.
- The whole 'Phonie' Carter thing was hilarious. And NO VANDALISM!!! Even better was Jorge's talking about Shonie not seeing this until he's at home with his friends. I'm not saying I want Shonie to be humiliated in front of his family, but I think the fact that Shonie may have had no idea this was coming when watching last night is great.
- Serra on Laimon - "You're a swimming coach who never gets in the pool." - Brilliant
- All three rounds went five minutes this time! Congratulations Nevada State Athletic Commission, your timekeeper was competent enough to tell time!
- Marc Laimon's backing up his comments by saying he was in a free country is pathetic. Yes, you (sort of, not really, kinda don't) have 'freedom of speech' in the United States. But if that's the only justification you can offer for saying what you say, then what you say isn't very valuable. The "Freedom of Speech" is not justification for saying something, it's a means of ensuring that something important can and will get said. The National Enquirer can claim 'freedom of speech' for their garbage, but it doesn't mean that anybody should pay attention to it. Bob Woodward can claim "Freedom of Speech" to ensure that his latest book gets published, because he's saying something important. He's not hiding behind 'freedom of speech' so he can spout off a bunch of nonsense. Thats what people Ann Coulter and Marc Laimon do.
- Matt Hughes is a pathetic, sneaky little crapweasel. Sitting there egging Laimon and Serra on. And I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Laimon was sucking up to Hughes so hard that he actually formed a vacuum seal on Hughes' sphincter. Not that a good old country boy like Hughes would like that sort of thing, either literally or figuratively. I mean, guys like that you drag behind your truck and string up on a fence to die. It's how good god-fearin' folk deal with that kinda thing.
Next week, Pete Sell vs Travis Lutter. Still no word on whether Sell drops "I must break you." Maybe he's saving it for the finale.
Finally, I know there was no way to mention this on the show, but I'm loving the fact that the Middleweight winner won't be facing Rich Franklin. Congratulations to Anderson Silva for beating Franklin like a Leben. And especially on busting up Rich's pretty boy nose. Seriously though, Silva looked great, but I'm sure Franklin is going to come back strong. Not necessarily take his title back, but he's not done by any stretch of the imagination.
Friday, October 13, 2006
TUF 4.9
I would just like to point out my predictions for the semi-final fights announced in this episode.
4 for 4 baby. Granted, I got at least one winner wrong, but at least I know how to deliver the drama baby!
Now give me Dana's job. And Tito's girlfriend.
Major Points
Serra v Shonie 2: Revenge of the Spinning Back Fist
4 for 4 baby. Granted, I got at least one winner wrong, but at least I know how to deliver the drama baby!
Now give me Dana's job. And Tito's girlfriend.
Major Points
- With Cote's defeat of Jorge, we are now on to the semi-finals.
- Matt Hughes arrives at the gym, sans Dana announcement. More man hugs.
- GSP, who at the time the show was taped was preparing for a fight with Hughes, is somewhat perturbed. GSP leaves the gym, to ensure that he and Hughes keep a comfortable distance from one another.
- Dana & the boys interview the semi-finalists regarding who they want to fight this round. The middleweights go first.
- Lutter doesn't care.
- Cote wants Bam Bam.
- Bam Bam wants Cote.
- Drago wants Lutter. Drago is questioned on this, as he says he wants to fight Cote in the finals, and he knows that Lutter will be a tougher fight. Hughes is particularly dubious, but that could be because this was his week for the camera love.
- Dana announces the fights: Cote v Bam Bam, and Drago v. Lutter. But if you were read my recap last week, you'd know that I called those.
- Dana also tells the fighters that in addition to the $100,000 "cash," the fighters will also be receiving a 1 year, $100,000 sponsorship with Xyience. And a title shot. Which Dana says will be against Rich Franklin, indicating either the fix is in this Saturday, or Dana hadn't planned on Franklin having a title fight before facing the winner of TUF4.
- The welterweights are then given their interviews.
- Serra wants Shonie.
- Din wants Lytle.
- Shonie gives a speech about peasants and kings, and says he wants Din, because he's already beaten Serra and Lytle.
- Lytle doesn't much care.
- Dana tells the welterweights about their year's servitude to Xyience should they win, and announces the welterweight fights: Serra v Shonie, and Din v Lytle.
- Din v Lytle is up tonight.
- Dana says this is the first time he's been unable to pick a winner.
- The fight goes a full three rounds, with Lytle in Din's guard for much of the fight. When they stand up, Din gets some good shots in, but doesn't capitalize and press the advantage. And when Din is on his back, he doesn't try very hard to either reverse, or take control.
- Lytle wins a unanimous decision. I said I picked the fights correctly. I said nothing about picking the winner of those fights correctly.
- Next week is Shonie v Serra.
- I'm going to commend myself again on calling all the upcoming fights.
- I think the fights give the best possibility for a good finale. Which is why I picked them, and I'm sure why
Danathe "Jedi council" picked them. - GSP showed class, poise, and grace in handling the intrusion of Matt Hughes on the training camp. He didn't do it because he was afraid, but because he wanted to maintain a certain mindset regarding Hughes. I think he made the right call, and he did it the right way.
- It was also funny seeing Cote call GSP on not wanting to be at the gym as the same time as Hughes.
- Shonie's suit at the fight announcements was styling.
- GSP's blinged out hat is also very pimp. If I'm GSP, I'm either saving it forever, or auctioning it for the Ryan Bennett Memorial Fund.
- Doesn't everybody in UFC have a de facto sponsorship deal with Xyience?
- Din v Lytle wasn't a bad fight. But it seemed that they were both more interested in not losing, than they were with winning. Nobody really pressed the advantage, and the ref stood them up more times than Lex did to Dean.
- Shonie man. First of all, the beard. Not working baby. And your speech to the "Jedi Council?" Lamer than half of Jean Chretien's face.
- Somebody please explain to Matt that the finale will be live, and will be taking place months after the semi-final matches. If somebody gets injured during a semi-final fight, they have a very good chance to make it to the finals sans injury. So Drago's choice of Lutter almost makes more sense, because, should Drago advance, he has a much better chance of ensuring he is prepared for an opponent he stands a better chance of fighting.
- Okay, in the first round, the countdown clock went to 0:00, with all the numbers red. And they kept fighting. According to Dana, the timekeeper made a mistake. Okay? Let me get this straight. The TIMEKEEPER, who has been appointed by the Nevada State Athletic Commission on the basis of his ability to TELL TIME, wasn't able to do his job. With digital clocks and timers, how on earth is it possible to screw this job up? And what does that say about the Nevada State Athletic Commission? I mean, they've already proven incapable of hiring competent judges, but at least that job is somewhat subjective. But this is telling time. The kind of thing you need to master before they let you leave the comfy confines of Kindergarten! If either of the fighters had been KO'd or submitted in that extra minute, would they have had a legal foundation to challenge the results of the fight? This would have been ugly, but there was worse this episode.
- Matt Hughes is an ugly, ugly man. And I don't mean physically. He is a bully, a racist, and an arrogant jerk. He represents everything ugly and wrong with the world of sports. Whereas GSP chose to leave the gym with dignity, Hughes used the opportunity to try to embarass his pending opponent. They may try to portray Hughes as a good down home country boy, but they need to understand that the underside of that social type is intolerance, arrogance and unnecessary aggression. All of which Hughes has in droves.
Serra v Shonie 2: Revenge of the Spinning Back Fist
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Ortiz Shamrock 3 - This Time, It Continues To Be Personal
Tonight is the long anticipated Ortiz-Shamrock rematch. Well, not really long-awaited, given that most people actually saw Ortiz whup Shamrock's ass a few months ago on PPV. But since that fight ended somewhat controversially, I guess its a highly anticipated fight. Kinda, sorta, not really. Its really more of a sideshow curiosity, to see how quickly and how bad Ortiz disposes of Shamrock this time around.
What this match really is is a way for UFC to get a high profile fight on quasi-free television. Because you can only see it if you have cable, which some people don't. So its not really on free tv. But its not PPV, which is something. Dana has even admitted in the commercials for the event that the match is being given away for free as a way of making up for the less than satisfying ending to their last fight. And while this is all well and good, I think it also poses a problem for the UFC.
I was watching the TUF4 marathon yesterday on Spike TV, and shockingly, there were quite a few ads for tonight's show. The ads stressed the animosity between the two men, replete with footage of the two men arguing and in pull aparts. The other thing stressed by the ads was that the fight was available "FOR FREE." And while its all well and good to make sure people know that this fight is on Spike TV and not PPV, I think the emphasis on FREE can be dangerous.
If people are told over and over again that the fight is available for FREE, it will raise questions about the value of paying for fights on PPV. And UFC's PPV rates are too high, particularly for a company that doesn't even wait a month between events. By stressing the FREE nature of tonight's fight, people may begin to ask why they are paying $39.99 for a UFC event. If one of the selling points for the fight is that it's FREE, then it must mean that even UFC knows that their prices are close to becoming prohibitive.
Pitching the fight as FREE brings the notion of cost to the foreground of any discussion of UFC. While it is certainly honest for them to be bragging about giving the fight away for free, it probably isn't the best business decision. Particularly when this weekend's UFC 64 card isn't the strongest they've presented. Why should I pay forty bucks for a PPV when a big name fight like Shamrock/Ortiz III is being given away for free on cable television? The last thing the UFC needs right now is for people to be questioning the cumulative costs of ordering all UFC events on PPV. Particularly when you consider the highly ambitious number of events that the UFC is looking at putting on in the coming year.
Of course, the other problem is that anything on television isn't actually FREE. Instead, the audience is being sold to advertisers in exchange for their attention. The viewing habits, demographics, psychographics and purchasing power of viewers are the commodity they are exchanging for the privilege of watching television. Particularly when you consider that the card is being presented as a lead-in to Spike TV's Scream Awards, and they want a large audience to watch that show. This is all part of Dallas Smythe's "Free Lunch" formulation.
But enough of that depressing polecon stuff. Fight Predictions!!!
What this match really is is a way for UFC to get a high profile fight on quasi-free television. Because you can only see it if you have cable, which some people don't. So its not really on free tv. But its not PPV, which is something. Dana has even admitted in the commercials for the event that the match is being given away for free as a way of making up for the less than satisfying ending to their last fight. And while this is all well and good, I think it also poses a problem for the UFC.

I was watching the TUF4 marathon yesterday on Spike TV, and shockingly, there were quite a few ads for tonight's show. The ads stressed the animosity between the two men, replete with footage of the two men arguing and in pull aparts. The other thing stressed by the ads was that the fight was available "FOR FREE." And while its all well and good to make sure people know that this fight is on Spike TV and not PPV, I think the emphasis on FREE can be dangerous.
If people are told over and over again that the fight is available for FREE, it will raise questions about the value of paying for fights on PPV. And UFC's PPV rates are too high, particularly for a company that doesn't even wait a month between events. By stressing the FREE nature of tonight's fight, people may begin to ask why they are paying $39.99 for a UFC event. If one of the selling points for the fight is that it's FREE, then it must mean that even UFC knows that their prices are close to becoming prohibitive.
Pitching the fight as FREE brings the notion of cost to the foreground of any discussion of UFC. While it is certainly honest for them to be bragging about giving the fight away for free, it probably isn't the best business decision. Particularly when this weekend's UFC 64 card isn't the strongest they've presented. Why should I pay forty bucks for a PPV when a big name fight like Shamrock/Ortiz III is being given away for free on cable television? The last thing the UFC needs right now is for people to be questioning the cumulative costs of ordering all UFC events on PPV. Particularly when you consider the highly ambitious number of events that the UFC is looking at putting on in the coming year.
Of course, the other problem is that anything on television isn't actually FREE. Instead, the audience is being sold to advertisers in exchange for their attention. The viewing habits, demographics, psychographics and purchasing power of viewers are the commodity they are exchanging for the privilege of watching television. Particularly when you consider that the card is being presented as a lead-in to Spike TV's Scream Awards, and they want a large audience to watch that show. This is all part of Dallas Smythe's "Free Lunch" formulation.
But enough of that depressing polecon stuff. Fight Predictions!!!
- Tito Ortiz (203.5) vs Ken Shamrock (204.5)
- Kendall Grove (184.5) vs Chris Price (185)
- Jason MacDonald (185) vs Ed Herman (186)
- Matt Hamill (205) vs Seth Petruzelli (203.5)
- Nate Marquardt (184.5) vs Crafton Wallace (175.5)
- Dustin Hazelett (167.5) vs Tony DeSouza (171)
- Josh Haynes (184.5) vs Rory Singer (185.5)
- John Alessio (169.5) vs Thiago Alves (171)
- Marcus Davis (170) vs Forrest Petz (169.5)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Canadian Thanksgiving
This weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada. Which ties in neatly with the U.S.' Columbus Day, and also saves Canada from having to give us another holiday between now and Christmas. Thanks Canada! You won't let us watch good tv, but at least you'll ensure we burn out faster! Fuckers.
Anway, I like to listen to this every Thanksgiving. Really reminds me of what is important in the world today. (Right click to save mp3 file.)
Anway, I like to listen to this every Thanksgiving. Really reminds me of what is important in the world today. (Right click to save mp3 file.)
"To John Dillinger and hope he is still alive.
Thanksgiving Day November 28 1986"
Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shat out through wholesome American guts.
Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison.
Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger.
Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving thecarcasses to rot.
Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes.
Thanks for the American dream,
To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through.
Thanks for the KKK.
For nigger-killin' lawmen,feelin' their notches.
For decent church-goin' women,with their mean, pinched, bitter,evil faces.
Thanks for "Kill a Queer forChrist" stickers.
Thanks for laboratory AIDS.
Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs.
Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind their own business.
Thanks for a nation of finks.
Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms!
You always were a headache andyou always were a bore.
Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams.
- William S. Burroughs
Thanksgiving Day November 28 1986"
Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shat out through wholesome American guts.
Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison.
Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger.
Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving thecarcasses to rot.
Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes.
Thanks for the American dream,
To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through.
Thanks for the KKK.
For nigger-killin' lawmen,feelin' their notches.
For decent church-goin' women,with their mean, pinched, bitter,evil faces.
Thanks for "Kill a Queer forChrist" stickers.
Thanks for laboratory AIDS.
Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs.
Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind their own business.
Thanks for a nation of finks.
Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms!
You always were a headache andyou always were a bore.
Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams.
- William S. Burroughs
Here's video of the man himself reading his poem.
TUF 4.8
Tonight, the last of the preliminary rounds, with Canadian Patrick Cote facing Jorge Rivera. Of course, this deprives us of the drama that ensues when a fight is announced.
Major Points
Seriously Cote, those ears are nasty.
Fighters Advancing to the Next Round
Matt Serra - 170
Shonie Carter - 170
Din Thomas - 170
Chris Lytle - 170
Edwin Dewees - 185
Patrick Cote - 185
Travis Lutter - 185
Pete Sell - 185
My predictions for who will be fighting in the next round, and who will win those matchups:
185 lbs.
I'm torn on the 185 pounders, with my nationalist streak cheering for Cote, the closest thing to a Canadian on the show. But Dewees impressed me with his shower of blood, and Drago was also impressive. And Lutter doesn't suck. But I think the above fights give them the best chances of a good fight on the finale.
Either way, next week should be a good week.
Monday: Thanksgiving
Tuesday: Ortiz v Shamrock III
Wednesday: Lost
Thursday: TUF 4.9, The Next Round
Friday: I dunno, but its Friday. Maybe a third good ECW show in a row?
Saturday: UFC 64 - Franklin loses his belt to Anderson Silva in the second round
*Note, the records recorded by Stephen Swain are not official, and in no way reflect anything resembling objectivity or scientific method. They are purely arbitrary and designed to reflect Swain's desire to right injustices.
Major Points
- Shonie decides he doesn't want to play with Team Mojo any longer, and goes to train with Team No Love. This angers TNL, and TM. What is even more odd is that Team No Love wasn't able to figure out how to close the van door to prevent Shonie from getting in the van.
- As a result of Shonie's new training schedule, TNL stays to watch TM train. Serra has to explain to Shonie that the universe doesn't revolve around Shonie, and, in civilized society, people have to make concessions to one another to prevent anarchy and chaos. Actually, he tells Shonie that he should keep training with TM. Shonie acquiesces. Methinks a producer got in Shonie's ear and told him to get in the TNL van.
- Back at the house, Jorge tells Serra of Shonie's lack of team spirit. This angers Serra (Serra SMASH!), who now wants to fight Shonie.
- Odd. The week of the final preliminary fight and the team dynamic starts to break down. Especially when you consider TM pretty much ran the table on TNL, with the exception of Lutter, and of course, the as of yet undetermined final victor.
- GSP is training with Cote. GSP discusses being Cote's training partner outside the simulacratastic world of TUF.
- Jorge trains with Mark Dellagrotte, who is Jorge's trainer in reality. Curiouser and curiouser.
- Dana makes subtle snide comments about the guys not training with Rich 'One-Knee' Franklin. He also mentions how people thought Franklin was a doodyhead.
- Dana then introduces this week's special guest trainer, Chuck Liddell. Man-hugs all around. Chuck tears down gender constructions by showing off his painted toenails. Go ahead, YOU tell him only girls do it.
- We get Cote's UFC background. 0-3. But his first fight he was fed to Tito with four days notice. His second was a loss to Joe Doerkson. And his third was a split decision loss to Chris Leben, who was fresh off of being the drunken, destructive crybabyface of TUF1, and UFC was trying to build him up a bit. So I put Cote at 0-1.*
- Then we get Jorge's record. He's 2-3. Notables include a victory over David 'The Crow' Loiseau, and a loss to the 'Fatherless Bastard' himself, Chris Leben.
- The fight goes the full two rounds. Jorge was on top as the first round began, but Cote connected with a kick to the head that turned things around. From there, Cote was in half guard, but unable to knock Jorge out. The second round is more of the same, with Jorge getting Cote's back and going for a guillotine, only to see Cote escape. The judges give Cote the fight.
- Next week, Matt Hughes shows up. Serra isn't happy. And the implosion of Team Mojo begins as the second round of fights are announced.
- Team Mojo's 'Cote, Cote' chant is hilarious. It embraces my love of Samoa Joe, my academic curiousity regarding ritualistic chants, and my ambivalence towards soccer.
- I liked seeing Chuck doing some training with Serra. That punch is ugly, but could probably do some damage if it connected.
- Shonie's decision to train with Team No Love seemed really random. And his acquiescence to Serra seemed even more random. But hey, it provided some drama for the first ten minutes of the show.
- Do you ever get the feeling Dana enjoys being on TV a little too much? He reminds me more and more of Vince McMahon everyday.
- Okay, these guys have Randy Couture and GSP at the gym with them. Why do they feel the need to bring in special guest trainers? Could it be because of the two trainers they assigned to this season, one has the personality of oatmeal, and the other makes you wish you were listening to Jean Chretien?
Seriously Cote, those ears are nasty.
Fighters Advancing to the Next Round
Matt Serra - 170
Shonie Carter - 170
Din Thomas - 170
Chris Lytle - 170
Edwin Dewees - 185
Patrick Cote - 185
Travis Lutter - 185
Pete Sell - 185
My predictions for who will be fighting in the next round, and who will win those matchups:
185 lbs.
- Edwin Dewees v Patrick Cote - Cote
- Travis Lutter v Pete Sell - Sell
- Matt Serra v Shonie Carter - Serra
- Din Thomas v Chris Lytle - Thomas
I'm torn on the 185 pounders, with my nationalist streak cheering for Cote, the closest thing to a Canadian on the show. But Dewees impressed me with his shower of blood, and Drago was also impressive. And Lutter doesn't suck. But I think the above fights give them the best chances of a good fight on the finale.
Either way, next week should be a good week.
Monday: Thanksgiving
Tuesday: Ortiz v Shamrock III
Wednesday: Lost
Thursday: TUF 4.9, The Next Round
Friday: I dunno, but its Friday. Maybe a third good ECW show in a row?
Saturday: UFC 64 - Franklin loses his belt to Anderson Silva in the second round
*Note, the records recorded by Stephen Swain are not official, and in no way reflect anything resembling objectivity or scientific method. They are purely arbitrary and designed to reflect Swain's desire to right injustices.
Friday, September 29, 2006
TUF 4.7
Major Points
- Rich Franklin is still at the gym to train with the guys. We don't really seem him do much in the way of training. He does point out that he's afraid to touch some of the guys, due to the staph outbreak. Which is in no way the fault of the UFC. Some of the guys also think Rich is a bit of a jerk.
- Most guys think Rich is really there to scout out potential opponents. Rich believes he will be facing the winner of the Middleweight group. Anderson Silva probably believes otherwise.
- Dana points out that bringing in Franklin was done for the betterment of the fighters. Of course, he makes this point in an interview, and not in the gym to the actual guys.
- To celebrate his victory, Pete Sell gets drunk. And I mean DRUNK. Thankfully, a) Drago is a funny drunk, and b) the other guys in the house don't get upset with Drunken Drago. No doors were broken, and no beds were urinated on. Unfortunately, even drunk, Drago doesn't drop I Must Break You.
- Rich Franklin does some training with Matt Serra. Rich's advice? Drop to one knee so the guy can't kick you. Serra thanks Rich for the unconventional training strategy.
- At the house, Rich's advice is mocked. For some reason, most of the guys don't think limiting your mobility and reach during a fight is the best strategy. Much hilarity ensues.
- Charles McCarthy asks Rich about the advice. McCarthy is surprised to learn that Franklin was serious. The rest of the house is dismayed to learn that McCarthy squealed.
- Patrick Cote demonstrates some personality, drawing a humourous cartoon of Captain Miserable, doing a funny skit with Serra, and threatening to get drunk and go hunting for Rich Franklin.
- Refusing to let it go, Serra asks Randy Couture about Rich's advice. Couture questions the wisdom of such a strategy.
- Serra is fighting Pete Spratt. Because we've already had Spratt's UFC clips, its all Serra baby.
- Serra is 4-4. He currently seems to be focusing more on training other guys than on fighting. Serra seems to get screwed by judges.
- Nobody gives Spratt much of a chance against Serra. Spratt says he is going to surprise some people. Or, you know, not.
- Serra beats Spratt in the first round. Spratt put up a good fight, and by good fight, I mean Spratt managed to avoid getting taken down on Serra's first attempt, but Serra got full mount and rained punches. Eventually, Big John McCarthy got around to stopping the fight.
- Its nice to see Patrick Cote showing some life. Of course, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Cote is fighting Jorge Rivera next week. Cote's blinged Maple Leaf on his hat is pretty cool. And I'm skeptical of nationalist symbols.
- Serra should be in good shape for his next fight.
- Rich Franklin came across as boring, rude, and arrogant. I'm not saying he is those things, but that's how he came across. Not good for their poster boy champion.
- For the love of all that is good and holy, can somebody buy Shonie Carter some shorts? Any footage of a Shonie fight always features his packagetastic speedos. Congratulations Shonie, you have a penis. Seriously, pixelate that. We have the technology.
- Is it Matt 'The Terra' Serra', or Matt 'The Terror' Serra? Is he scary or dirt?
- Was Dana's rant about the guys not taking advantage of Franklin's expertise made before or after the knee advice? If before, okay, I can see that. But if that is any indication of the help Rich did offer when he was asked, then Dana has no right to be upset.
- Dana continues to rewrite UFC history. Just call him Winston Smith.
- Watching the drunken antics of Drago had me reminiscing about the juvenile, violent outbursts exhibited by former TUF competitors. This season is much better behaviour wise.
- Hmmm, its 10:45 and the fight hasn't started yet. Wonder if this is going to be over quick? OMG, it WAS! How can I parlay this newfound psychic ability into a lucrative career?
- It's Chuck! Hey guys, another UFC champion is coming to visit us! Hopefully Ken Shamrock will come by in two weeks so they can watch fight tapes.
- Patrick Cote is fighting Jorge Rivera.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Exploring All The Angles - v 3.0
Yeah, so I went with the cheap pun this time. Rather than just rambling on about my thoughts on TNA's signing of Kurt Angle (which I will probably still do), I've instead chosen to offer the thoughts of some of the other professional wrestling writers who populate the Internet, to give a sense of the reaction from the Internet Wrestling Community as a whole. I will probably add to this list over the span of a few days, as more information becomes available and more people reflect on the news.
"TNA has made a decision to look at medical advice and the bright red warning flags with a negative attitude. They're defiant. Just look at Rhino's attitude in the promo. They will be quick to use the "three-dates-per-month" schedule as justification. Right now, any schedule is too much for Angle considering the health position he was in just three weeks ago. Don't tell TNA that. They slept well Sunday night knowing they have Angle on the roster, a prime time slot, and justification for this desperate decision." - James Caldwell, PWTorch.com, "Remember that Rhino promo? It was TNA's justification for signing Kurt Angle"
"Angle isn’t getting help. Rather, he is simply moving on to a different pro wrestling company. He won’t have to work as grueling of a schedule, which is a positive. However, TNA needs him a lot more than WWE did, which will force him to go all out in his matches to try to justify his role in the company. He will still be in the same problematic environment with the same temptations and dangers. WWE’s intervention didn’t help Angle at all." - Todd Martin, Smashmouth Driving, "Noble Intentions and Undesirable Consequences"
"Kurt Angle Update: TNA, a WWE rival, announced yesterday that they have signed Angle. This will end terribly, and possibly sooner rather than later." - Adamannapolis, "A Very Bloggy Monday"
"TNA has lost its internal voice of reason. TNA has become an enabler to wrestlers seeking an environment where they can freely continue to use performance-enhancing drugs. Kurt Angle cannot stop himself from wrestling, which sadly will lead to his death if he isn’t stopped...Since being fired by the WWE and no longer having to conform to the guidelines of WWE’s “wellness” policy, it’s no coincidence that Angle has reportedly put on 20 pounds of muscle in a little under a month. It will also be no coincidence when TNA is holding a tribute show for Kurt Angle if someone in TNA management doesn’t take appropriate action soon." - Sean Radican, PWTorch.com, "RADICAN'S BLOG: Who Will Take a Stand in TNA?"
"The real question out of all of this is whether Angle is healthy enough to even be doing it. There have been some reports that Angle has been taking the time to rest up, and repair his personal life. But once back in the ring, the problems that drove him out could come back full force.
They could come back worse. The easier schedule could actually accentuate Angles [sic] problems, letting him think he can do more than he really can, since he can “rest up”. And some of his problems, while perhaps not bothering him as much as they were, are still there. Angle does like to take short cuts. He was said to be seeing a pain specialist. Those kinds of treatment are usually to help one adapt to not being able to do as much as a person used to. They are not quick fixes. They take time to actually doe [sic] the work of healing.
One other thing to consider is that the TNA locker room is very different from the WWE. Drug testing for one, is not done. TNA also botched Sting.
Yet, Angle in TNA is a gamble worth taking for TNA. Angle is a big name. Angle has fans, fans that will want to see what this is all about. Angle in TNA does lend legitimacy to the promotion, one that needs it a lot. Not that TNA was a real promotion, but with Angle, it makes them more than just some crappy wrestling show, but one that is truly trying to compete with WWE. That has it’s own good and bad sides." - Wevv Mang, LordsofPain.net, "Snake On A Plane And Angle In TNA"
"Of course the best thing would be for Angle to probably retire, or at least sit out for several months, but anyone who has followed him and this story knows that isn't going to happen. If he was going to work, the best place would have been WWE on a special schedule, but if not, this is the best place because of the schedule. The idea that TNA would hire someone WWE fired for fear of his own health is both abhorrent, predictable and I don't think the downsides were even worried about too much because of the potential upsides. But from the minute he was let go, everyone wanted the guy." - Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter, 09/25/2006 Update
"The concept of putting Angle in the X Division was something that came to me when I was leaving the pay per view and was talking to some friends of mine about possibilities for matches involving Kurt Angle with the wrestlers in TNA as well as some independent matches if Kurt Angle would be available to work independent shows for companies like Ring of Honor, Full Impact Pro, or Pro Wrestling Guerilla." - Richard Trionfo, PWInsider.com, "From the Pit: What To Do With Kurt Angle in TNA" (Popup/Potential Malware Warning)
"I’m scared for Kurt Angle. I was scared for him in WWE, and I was happy when they released him, hoping he would finally deal with the problems and issues in his life. And maybe be able to return to the company that made him some day when he was ready. But it’s obvious now that he hasn’t done that, and I don’t see this turning out very well at all. I hate to say it, and I hate to be morbid. But I’m just being honest, something Kurt hasn’t done with himself in a long time. I don’t see this story ending well. I sincerely hope to God that I’m wrong....I do know the answer to one question, and that is when it comes to morals, ethics, and doing what’s right, The Carter’s, Panda Energy, and TNA are no better than Vince McMahon. Vince is not known for his morals and ethics in the wrestling business, and even he knew he couldn’t keep Angle on the roster. Even he knew that Angle’s problems were too big to just sweep under the carpet, and that he would have to part ways with one of his best homegrown creations for the betterment of everyone involved. TNA apparently didn’t see it that way. What does it say about them when Vince McMahon looks like the moral and ethical one of the bunch? Chew on that one for a while." - Dan Wahlers, WrestlingObserver.com, "It's On Your Head Now, Dixie"
"Lastly, one thing that we all agree on is for Kurt to turn around the things that brought him down in WWE. While only time and probably a surgery can do anything about his neck, what he can do is his dependency on pills. How much those two are inter-related only he knows. Kurt is a well-educated man and he knows his body and well being better than anyone. He has made more money than the vast majority of us will ever see. I do not think that he has blown all of it and the money he is making with TNA could not be so much that he would endanger his future. Hopefully his new job can allow his body some rest some and allow him to be the performer he wants. I know I will be watching and despite what many have said so will you." - Scott Whitt, The Great Scottland, "See Kurt Jump"
What is the over/under on how long Kurt Angle stays in TNA? I think the world of Kurt and hope he gets totally healthy much sooner than later. Perhaps being a part of TNA will work for Kurt as it relates to travel and in ring demands. I do think this genre is much better suited for Angle than mixed martial arts, UFC, etc. I wish Kurt well on his new opportunity and that is true, damn true. - Jim Ross, JR's Blog, "The Night the Lights Went Out in OKC"
"Kurt Angle- This matter is really getting a great deal of feedback and may be borderline over analyzed. Kurt needed time off to deal issues he has throughly discussed on his own website. As I understand it the WWE and Kurt mutually agreed to release Kurt so he could heal physically and mentally and then puruse other options including coming back to the WWE if he was healthy and chose to. No one betrayed anyone here. Kurt needed to step away from the WWE and heal. It was that simple. For anyone to say Kurt was “held back” is a little far fetched to me. Kurt made a ton of money in the WWE and earned a worldwide reputation. What else was he supposed to do while in the WWE? This business is about making cash, plain and simple. Kurt made big money and got famous in the WWE. He deserved all his accolades and the rewards that went with them. TNA is not going to become an overnight sensation with or without Kurt Angle. One man does not a company make. I perceive and am told that there are conflicts of interest issues in TNA but that’s hearsay because I am not there. I hope everyone in TNA are all successful and finally reach profitability." - Jim Ross, JR's Blog, "Still Responding to Emails"
"Kurt Angle was one of the most talent performers in recent WWE history. If he was healthy, I'd be all for him headlining in TNA. But last time I checked, Kurt Angle has a badly damaged neck, and is risking his continued mobility every time he steps in the ring. There hasn't been an announcement as to the date of Angle's first TNA match. Maybe it won't happen at all. Angle's a driven man, who badly needs to find a career that doesn't involve taking bumps." - Pat McNeill, PWTorch.com, "McNEILL: The State of Things: Holly, DX, Angle & Russo"
"TNA has made a decision to look at medical advice and the bright red warning flags with a negative attitude. They're defiant. Just look at Rhino's attitude in the promo. They will be quick to use the "three-dates-per-month" schedule as justification. Right now, any schedule is too much for Angle considering the health position he was in just three weeks ago. Don't tell TNA that. They slept well Sunday night knowing they have Angle on the roster, a prime time slot, and justification for this desperate decision." - James Caldwell, PWTorch.com, "Remember that Rhino promo? It was TNA's justification for signing Kurt Angle"
"Angle isn’t getting help. Rather, he is simply moving on to a different pro wrestling company. He won’t have to work as grueling of a schedule, which is a positive. However, TNA needs him a lot more than WWE did, which will force him to go all out in his matches to try to justify his role in the company. He will still be in the same problematic environment with the same temptations and dangers. WWE’s intervention didn’t help Angle at all." - Todd Martin, Smashmouth Driving, "Noble Intentions and Undesirable Consequences"
"Kurt Angle Update: TNA, a WWE rival, announced yesterday that they have signed Angle. This will end terribly, and possibly sooner rather than later." - Adamannapolis, "A Very Bloggy Monday"
"TNA has lost its internal voice of reason. TNA has become an enabler to wrestlers seeking an environment where they can freely continue to use performance-enhancing drugs. Kurt Angle cannot stop himself from wrestling, which sadly will lead to his death if he isn’t stopped...Since being fired by the WWE and no longer having to conform to the guidelines of WWE’s “wellness” policy, it’s no coincidence that Angle has reportedly put on 20 pounds of muscle in a little under a month. It will also be no coincidence when TNA is holding a tribute show for Kurt Angle if someone in TNA management doesn’t take appropriate action soon." - Sean Radican, PWTorch.com, "RADICAN'S BLOG: Who Will Take a Stand in TNA?"
"The real question out of all of this is whether Angle is healthy enough to even be doing it. There have been some reports that Angle has been taking the time to rest up, and repair his personal life. But once back in the ring, the problems that drove him out could come back full force.
They could come back worse. The easier schedule could actually accentuate Angles [sic] problems, letting him think he can do more than he really can, since he can “rest up”. And some of his problems, while perhaps not bothering him as much as they were, are still there. Angle does like to take short cuts. He was said to be seeing a pain specialist. Those kinds of treatment are usually to help one adapt to not being able to do as much as a person used to. They are not quick fixes. They take time to actually doe [sic] the work of healing.
One other thing to consider is that the TNA locker room is very different from the WWE. Drug testing for one, is not done. TNA also botched Sting.
Yet, Angle in TNA is a gamble worth taking for TNA. Angle is a big name. Angle has fans, fans that will want to see what this is all about. Angle in TNA does lend legitimacy to the promotion, one that needs it a lot. Not that TNA was a real promotion, but with Angle, it makes them more than just some crappy wrestling show, but one that is truly trying to compete with WWE. That has it’s own good and bad sides." - Wevv Mang, LordsofPain.net, "Snake On A Plane And Angle In TNA"
"Of course the best thing would be for Angle to probably retire, or at least sit out for several months, but anyone who has followed him and this story knows that isn't going to happen. If he was going to work, the best place would have been WWE on a special schedule, but if not, this is the best place because of the schedule. The idea that TNA would hire someone WWE fired for fear of his own health is both abhorrent, predictable and I don't think the downsides were even worried about too much because of the potential upsides. But from the minute he was let go, everyone wanted the guy." - Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter, 09/25/2006 Update
"The concept of putting Angle in the X Division was something that came to me when I was leaving the pay per view and was talking to some friends of mine about possibilities for matches involving Kurt Angle with the wrestlers in TNA as well as some independent matches if Kurt Angle would be available to work independent shows for companies like Ring of Honor, Full Impact Pro, or Pro Wrestling Guerilla." - Richard Trionfo, PWInsider.com, "From the Pit: What To Do With Kurt Angle in TNA" (Popup/Potential Malware Warning)
"I’m scared for Kurt Angle. I was scared for him in WWE, and I was happy when they released him, hoping he would finally deal with the problems and issues in his life. And maybe be able to return to the company that made him some day when he was ready. But it’s obvious now that he hasn’t done that, and I don’t see this turning out very well at all. I hate to say it, and I hate to be morbid. But I’m just being honest, something Kurt hasn’t done with himself in a long time. I don’t see this story ending well. I sincerely hope to God that I’m wrong....I do know the answer to one question, and that is when it comes to morals, ethics, and doing what’s right, The Carter’s, Panda Energy, and TNA are no better than Vince McMahon. Vince is not known for his morals and ethics in the wrestling business, and even he knew he couldn’t keep Angle on the roster. Even he knew that Angle’s problems were too big to just sweep under the carpet, and that he would have to part ways with one of his best homegrown creations for the betterment of everyone involved. TNA apparently didn’t see it that way. What does it say about them when Vince McMahon looks like the moral and ethical one of the bunch? Chew on that one for a while." - Dan Wahlers, WrestlingObserver.com, "It's On Your Head Now, Dixie"
"Lastly, one thing that we all agree on is for Kurt to turn around the things that brought him down in WWE. While only time and probably a surgery can do anything about his neck, what he can do is his dependency on pills. How much those two are inter-related only he knows. Kurt is a well-educated man and he knows his body and well being better than anyone. He has made more money than the vast majority of us will ever see. I do not think that he has blown all of it and the money he is making with TNA could not be so much that he would endanger his future. Hopefully his new job can allow his body some rest some and allow him to be the performer he wants. I know I will be watching and despite what many have said so will you." - Scott Whitt, The Great Scottland, "See Kurt Jump"
What is the over/under on how long Kurt Angle stays in TNA? I think the world of Kurt and hope he gets totally healthy much sooner than later. Perhaps being a part of TNA will work for Kurt as it relates to travel and in ring demands. I do think this genre is much better suited for Angle than mixed martial arts, UFC, etc. I wish Kurt well on his new opportunity and that is true, damn true. - Jim Ross, JR's Blog, "The Night the Lights Went Out in OKC"
"Kurt Angle- This matter is really getting a great deal of feedback and may be borderline over analyzed. Kurt needed time off to deal issues he has throughly discussed on his own website. As I understand it the WWE and Kurt mutually agreed to release Kurt so he could heal physically and mentally and then puruse other options including coming back to the WWE if he was healthy and chose to. No one betrayed anyone here. Kurt needed to step away from the WWE and heal. It was that simple. For anyone to say Kurt was “held back” is a little far fetched to me. Kurt made a ton of money in the WWE and earned a worldwide reputation. What else was he supposed to do while in the WWE? This business is about making cash, plain and simple. Kurt made big money and got famous in the WWE. He deserved all his accolades and the rewards that went with them. TNA is not going to become an overnight sensation with or without Kurt Angle. One man does not a company make. I perceive and am told that there are conflicts of interest issues in TNA but that’s hearsay because I am not there. I hope everyone in TNA are all successful and finally reach profitability." - Jim Ross, JR's Blog, "Still Responding to Emails"
"Kurt Angle was one of the most talent performers in recent WWE history. If he was healthy, I'd be all for him headlining in TNA. But last time I checked, Kurt Angle has a badly damaged neck, and is risking his continued mobility every time he steps in the ring. There hasn't been an announcement as to the date of Angle's first TNA match. Maybe it won't happen at all. Angle's a driven man, who badly needs to find a career that doesn't involve taking bumps." - Pat McNeill, PWTorch.com, "McNEILL: The State of Things: Holly, DX, Angle & Russo"
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is
Once again, my Pro-Line picks for today's football games.
1:00 Games
CIN @ PIT, TIE Game. Odds: 2.80
TEN @ MIA, MIA by 04 pts. Odds: 1.20
WAS @ HOU, WAS by 04 pts. Odds: 1.80
CHI @ MIN, CHI by 08 pts. Odds: 2.30
GB @ DET, DET by 04 pts. Odds: 1.60
Total Odds: 22.26
$2 bet = $44.50
4:00 Games
STL @ ARZ, TIE Game. Odds: 3.40
PHI @ SF, PHI by 08 pts. Odds: 1.80
BAL @ CLE, BAL by 04 pts. Odds: 1.30
Total Odds: 7.96
$2 bet = $15.90
WAS @ HOU, HOU by 04 pts. Odds: 2.80
JAX @ IND, JAX by 04 pts. Odds: 4.00
PHI @ SF, PHI by 08 pts. Odds: 1.80
STL @ ARZ, ARZ by 08 pts. Odds: 2.20
CAR @ TB, TIE Game. Odds: 3.20
BAL @ CLE, CLE by 04 pts. Odds: 4.50
Total Odds: 638.67
$2 bet = $1277.30
1:00 Games
CIN @ PIT, TIE Game. Odds: 2.80
TEN @ MIA, MIA by 04 pts. Odds: 1.20
WAS @ HOU, WAS by 04 pts. Odds: 1.80
CHI @ MIN, CHI by 08 pts. Odds: 2.30
GB @ DET, DET by 04 pts. Odds: 1.60
Total Odds: 22.26
$2 bet = $44.50
4:00 Games
STL @ ARZ, TIE Game. Odds: 3.40
PHI @ SF, PHI by 08 pts. Odds: 1.80
BAL @ CLE, BAL by 04 pts. Odds: 1.30
Total Odds: 7.96
$2 bet = $15.90
WAS @ HOU, HOU by 04 pts. Odds: 2.80
JAX @ IND, JAX by 04 pts. Odds: 4.00
PHI @ SF, PHI by 08 pts. Odds: 1.80
STL @ ARZ, ARZ by 08 pts. Odds: 2.20
CAR @ TB, TIE Game. Odds: 3.20
BAL @ CLE, CLE by 04 pts. Odds: 4.50
Total Odds: 638.67
$2 bet = $1277.30
Saturday, September 23, 2006
History Bites
"The golden rule of wrestling is those who constantly learn are forced to watch the product of people who never do." -- Dave Meltzer
As has been reported elsewhere, and has become quite the topic for discussion in the wrestling community is the decision by TNA to bring back Vince Russo. That's right, the master of Crash-TV. The man who gave us the 'Viagra on a Pole' match in WCW. The man who gave us Terri Runnells miscarriage in WWE. And the man who gave us Sports Entertainment Xtreme in TNA. He's back.
The reaction in the Internet Wrestling Community has not been enthusiastic. Well, unless you consider enthusiastic negativity to be an enthusiastic response. And I am on the side of those who think this be quite possibly the worst move possible for TNA.
Interestingly enough, in the past month I just re-read R.D. Reynolds' Wrestlecrap, as well as watching TNA's Phenomenal: The Best of AJ Styles DVD. Both of these serve to reassure me that Vince Russo is not the cure for TNA's ills, if there are any ills to be had.
Wrestlecrap, mediocre writing aside, is an excellent examination of some of the bad decisions that are the hallmark of Vince Russo's booking. His desire for revenge at the expense of the wrestlers, his obsession with catering to smarks, his love of swerves, and his lack of long-term planning are Russonian staples, none of which serve the interests of a wrestling company looking to become competitive in the face of a national monopoly.
The Styles DVD, while it does showcase one of the industry's top talents, is also oversaturated with Russo. To such an extent that I found myself enjoying the DVD less than one would expect. Russo made himself a centerpiece of the organization in his first run, and I believe it stands to reason that he will do so again. Unfortunately, Russo is not what people want to watch on their television sets when they tune into professional wrestling. Or, likely, any other type of television programming. People didn't want to watch Russo in WCW, they didn't want to watch him in TNA on PPV, and they won't want to watch him on TNA on SpikeTV.
Evidently the reason for this otherwise inexplicable decision is that TNA higher-ups and Panda Energy's Dixie Carter are concerned over the recent ratings drop that TNA has been experiencing. My dubiousity (is that a word?) regarding Nielsen ratings aside, I think TNA needs to look internally before looking for external solutions to the problem.
TNA has made some important and impressive moves in the past year. They brought back Sting, and, in my opinion, they have used him fairly well. They managed to keep Rhino when Vince came looking for people to add legitimacy to WWECW. They have elevated Samoa Joe. They have kept AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels fresh and entertaining. They brought in Homicide, who, despite his not yet having the opportunity to showcase his true potential, is an incredible talent. They brought in Jim Cornette, a brilliant wrestling mind and still one of the best talkers in the business. And they brought in Christian Cage, who turned down a new WWE contract to sign with the group.
The problem is that, despite all these good things, their bad decisions have been far more serious. They brought in Kevin Nash, and put him in a program that belittled and betrayed TNA's most important alternative to WWE programming, the X-Division. They brought in Earl Hebner, who offers absolutely nothing to a wrestling organization. They haven't fired Larry Zybysko, the most useless waste of space in wrestling today.
But TNA's most egregious mistake can be summed up in two letters. JJ. Double J. Jeff Jarrett. Since the beginning of the promotion, Jeff Jarrett has been presented as the centerpiece of the organization. A bitter cynic would say that TNA was founded simply as a vanity project for Jeff, a way for him to prove to the world that he's a main event player. Unfortunately, he's not. Back in Jarrett's WWE days, Steve Austin refused to do a program with Jarrett because he didn't feel Jarrett was in a position to feud with him. And in retrospect, Austin was right. Jarrett is the kind of guy who should never have risen above the mid-card in a national promotion. Sure he may have been over like Grover in Memphis, but Memphis ain't the rest of North America.
Despite all the positives that TNA has accomplished, they have all been undermined by Jeff Jarrett's ego. Sting was put in a main event program...with Jarrett. Raven finally won the title, then lost it...to Jarrett. Rhino won the title, then lost it...to Jarrett. Since his arrival in TNA, Jim Cornette has been feuding with...Jeff Jarrett. In one of TNA's most memorable moments of the year, Christian Cage beat Jeff Jarrett for the title, celebrating his victory in the ring, surrounded by TNA fans. Then, in one of the most moronic decisions ever, Cage lost the title in the overly convoluted, and insultingly planned, King of the Mountain match...to Jeff Jarrett.
Starting to notice a pattern?
In those periods when Jeff Jarrett isn't the champion, when he isn't the centerpiece of TNA, people are interested. But those periods are few and far between.
Bringing in Vince Russo is not going to solve TNA's problems. I believe he's only going to make them worse. Russo is 'friends' with Jeff Jarrett. (The word friends is quoted because friend isn't a word that can ever really apply to a relationship in the world of professional wrestling, which thrives on politics and manipulation.) He's not going to deal with the 800 lb. gorilla that is Jeff Jarrett. He's going to mess with the things that were working. He's going to make stupid decisions that don't entertain the viewers. He's going to destroy the things that could make TNA standout, and try to mimic WWE's bad decisions. Mimicing WWE is not the way to go, as their declining ratings show.
Vince Russo is not being brought in to save TNA. He's being brought in to save Jeff Jarrett. His goal will be to make Jeff Jarrett the star he believes himself to be. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Jeff Jarrett is TNA's greatest weakness, and until the people in TNA realize that, TNA will never succeed.
As has been reported elsewhere, and has become quite the topic for discussion in the wrestling community is the decision by TNA to bring back Vince Russo. That's right, the master of Crash-TV. The man who gave us the 'Viagra on a Pole' match in WCW. The man who gave us Terri Runnells miscarriage in WWE. And the man who gave us Sports Entertainment Xtreme in TNA. He's back.
The reaction in the Internet Wrestling Community has not been enthusiastic. Well, unless you consider enthusiastic negativity to be an enthusiastic response. And I am on the side of those who think this be quite possibly the worst move possible for TNA.
Interestingly enough, in the past month I just re-read R.D. Reynolds' Wrestlecrap, as well as watching TNA's Phenomenal: The Best of AJ Styles DVD. Both of these serve to reassure me that Vince Russo is not the cure for TNA's ills, if there are any ills to be had.
Wrestlecrap, mediocre writing aside, is an excellent examination of some of the bad decisions that are the hallmark of Vince Russo's booking. His desire for revenge at the expense of the wrestlers, his obsession with catering to smarks, his love of swerves, and his lack of long-term planning are Russonian staples, none of which serve the interests of a wrestling company looking to become competitive in the face of a national monopoly.
The Styles DVD, while it does showcase one of the industry's top talents, is also oversaturated with Russo. To such an extent that I found myself enjoying the DVD less than one would expect. Russo made himself a centerpiece of the organization in his first run, and I believe it stands to reason that he will do so again. Unfortunately, Russo is not what people want to watch on their television sets when they tune into professional wrestling. Or, likely, any other type of television programming. People didn't want to watch Russo in WCW, they didn't want to watch him in TNA on PPV, and they won't want to watch him on TNA on SpikeTV.
Evidently the reason for this otherwise inexplicable decision is that TNA higher-ups and Panda Energy's Dixie Carter are concerned over the recent ratings drop that TNA has been experiencing. My dubiousity (is that a word?) regarding Nielsen ratings aside, I think TNA needs to look internally before looking for external solutions to the problem.
TNA has made some important and impressive moves in the past year. They brought back Sting, and, in my opinion, they have used him fairly well. They managed to keep Rhino when Vince came looking for people to add legitimacy to WWECW. They have elevated Samoa Joe. They have kept AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels fresh and entertaining. They brought in Homicide, who, despite his not yet having the opportunity to showcase his true potential, is an incredible talent. They brought in Jim Cornette, a brilliant wrestling mind and still one of the best talkers in the business. And they brought in Christian Cage, who turned down a new WWE contract to sign with the group.
The problem is that, despite all these good things, their bad decisions have been far more serious. They brought in Kevin Nash, and put him in a program that belittled and betrayed TNA's most important alternative to WWE programming, the X-Division. They brought in Earl Hebner, who offers absolutely nothing to a wrestling organization. They haven't fired Larry Zybysko, the most useless waste of space in wrestling today.
But TNA's most egregious mistake can be summed up in two letters. JJ. Double J. Jeff Jarrett. Since the beginning of the promotion, Jeff Jarrett has been presented as the centerpiece of the organization. A bitter cynic would say that TNA was founded simply as a vanity project for Jeff, a way for him to prove to the world that he's a main event player. Unfortunately, he's not. Back in Jarrett's WWE days, Steve Austin refused to do a program with Jarrett because he didn't feel Jarrett was in a position to feud with him. And in retrospect, Austin was right. Jarrett is the kind of guy who should never have risen above the mid-card in a national promotion. Sure he may have been over like Grover in Memphis, but Memphis ain't the rest of North America.
Despite all the positives that TNA has accomplished, they have all been undermined by Jeff Jarrett's ego. Sting was put in a main event program...with Jarrett. Raven finally won the title, then lost it...to Jarrett. Rhino won the title, then lost it...to Jarrett. Since his arrival in TNA, Jim Cornette has been feuding with...Jeff Jarrett. In one of TNA's most memorable moments of the year, Christian Cage beat Jeff Jarrett for the title, celebrating his victory in the ring, surrounded by TNA fans. Then, in one of the most moronic decisions ever, Cage lost the title in the overly convoluted, and insultingly planned, King of the Mountain match...to Jeff Jarrett.
Starting to notice a pattern?
In those periods when Jeff Jarrett isn't the champion, when he isn't the centerpiece of TNA, people are interested. But those periods are few and far between.
Bringing in Vince Russo is not going to solve TNA's problems. I believe he's only going to make them worse. Russo is 'friends' with Jeff Jarrett. (The word friends is quoted because friend isn't a word that can ever really apply to a relationship in the world of professional wrestling, which thrives on politics and manipulation.) He's not going to deal with the 800 lb. gorilla that is Jeff Jarrett. He's going to mess with the things that were working. He's going to make stupid decisions that don't entertain the viewers. He's going to destroy the things that could make TNA standout, and try to mimic WWE's bad decisions. Mimicing WWE is not the way to go, as their declining ratings show.
Vince Russo is not being brought in to save TNA. He's being brought in to save Jeff Jarrett. His goal will be to make Jeff Jarrett the star he believes himself to be. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Jeff Jarrett is TNA's greatest weakness, and until the people in TNA realize that, TNA will never succeed.
Friday, September 22, 2006
TUF 4.6
Look at me, posting the day after and everything. I'm so responsible. Or, I'm horribly irresponsible, because I still have to go to the library and pick up a book by Orrin Klapp to read for my thesis' first chapter. Stupid theoretical framework. Anyway, on with the show, this is it.
Major Points
Major Points
- Charles McCarthy is sulky. Or depressed. Or just too sad to play dodgeball. Or, as he would have you believe, so empathetic that Mikey Burnett's loss to Din Thomas is affecting him greatly. His housemates have nicknamed him "Captain Miserable." And, despite the taunting, he's enough of a good sport to wear a homemade "Captain Miserable" cape and pretend to fly.
- Shonie exacerbates the situation by adding 'personality' to McCarthy's shopping list. And McCarthy blames Pete Sell, leading to much hilarity. And again, no use of abject fluids in the execution of this prank.
- Personally, I attribute McCarthy's moroseness to being named after a ventriloquist's dummy.
- Evidently Jorge Rivera's partner is expecting a child while he is in the house. Randy shows up and tells Jorge that he has a new daughter, and gives him an AMP'D mobile phone with which he can see video of his new crap factory. Clever. Product placement disguised as a tender heartwarming moment.
- I'm impressed that Jorge made the decision to come to the house with a child on the way. Especially when you consider Season 3's Noah abandoned the house because his girlfriend MIGHT have been told he is cheating on her, and he wants to clear things up. That's dedication.
- Rich Franklin shows up as a guest trainer. Considering he is might be fighting the middleweight TUF4 winner, he probably wants to scout potential opponents. Plus, he hasn't fought since March 03, so Dana probably wanted to remind people he was around, and still champion. Of course, he is scheduled to fight Anderson Silva at UFC 64, so who knows what will happen there.
- Franklin doesn't align himself with either team, and makes clear that there is no Team Franklin. Really Rich? You mean, exactly the same way as there is no Team Couture or Team St. Pierre? Shocking.
- The next middleweight fight is announced. Pete Sell vs Charles McCarthy. McCarthy says he was planning on that, and has been training for Drago. Which, of course, won't help one bit if he makes it to the next round.
- Speaking of Drago, how can he use that name and not drop "I Must Break You?"
- The fight goes three full rounds. In the third, Sell is on top, even getting full mount, with McCarthy going for some submissions. He doesn't seem to be fighting enough though, and the judges give Drago the match.
- We get a couple of replays of McCarthy in pain when he thinks he blew his knee out. Including a cool slomo one.
- Next week, Matt Serra finally gets in the ring, facing Pete Spratt.
- Because Drago is already one of Serra's fighters, he probably had an easy time of it, but Matt Serra is a definite factor in Team Mojo's success.
- Showing Pete Sell's controversial loss to Nate Quarry was interesting, because it already sets up a match for Sell, even if he doesn't win TUF4.
- I was glad Dana allowed Jorge an opportunity to learn of his daughter's birth. The whole "cut off from the world thing" is stupid enough, but a man deserves to know when he has another mouth to feed.
- Okay, they gave Jorge Rivera a CELL PHONE so he could see video of his new daughter. Call me crazy, but couldn't he also use that PHONE to CALL his partner to talk to her. Have people forgotten that's what cell phones were originally intended for? Or did I just have a Helio moment?
- When they announced the fight before 10:30, my roommate looked at me and said "It's going three rounds." That is not dramatic foreshadowing. Thats predictability. If the producers would just mix it up once, people wouldn't know how long a fight was going to be based on the time it starts.
- Thankfully, the length of the fight meant that there was no need to add filler. Which means less opportunity for ugliness.
- Although, the use of a child's birth to plug a cell phone isn't pretty.
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