But for me, at the top of the heap lies A Nightmare on Elm Street. The first movie was brilliant. It was gory, it was scary, it was clever, it was terrifying. Sure things got watered down with each subsequent sequel, but that doesn't diminish the brilliance that was the first film. Actually, the final film in the series, Wes Craven's New Nightmare was also brilliant. Self-reflexive, postmodern, and terrifying, it was Scream before there was Scream.
So imagine my excitement when I saw this headline on IMDB. "Original 'Nightmare' To Return To Theaters -- For Two Days" To promote the release of the Infinifilm version of the original, they are re-releasing the film to theatres. And there will also be a special reel called "Freddy's Best Kills" which, for the time being, will only be shown at the special screenings.
However, when I go to the website to preorder my tickets, I discover, much to my dismay, that there will be no special screening in the city/town where I live. In fact, there will be no special screenings in Canada. Once again, living in Canada has come to bite me in the ass. This sucks. But I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best. There's still almost a month left. Besides, maybe I can convince the manager of the university movie theatre to show the original as part of his cult classics series.
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