Dear Vince,
You don't know me. We've never met. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I'm a wrestling fan. Have been for years. I watched Wrestlemania III on closed-circuit when I was in Grade 8. I bought tickets to shows at the local arena, even though they were always the B or C circuit. I watched Saturday Night's Main Event whenever I could, and tried to follow the storylines as best I could through your syndicated programming.
As I've grown up, I've continued to watch. Unlike many of my grade school and secondary school friends who left professional wrestling behind, I continued to be a fan. I watched Monday Night Raw when you had a very poor television contract here in Canada. I went to live PPV and Monday Night Raw broadcasts whenever I could.
I saw Jake Roberts' cobra take a bite out of Randy Savage's arm. I saw Earthquake 'crush' Damien. I saw Steve Austin break into Brian Pillman's house while Pillman held a gun. I saw Val Venis almost get his penis cut off. I saw Mae Young give birth to a hand. I saw Chaz the girlfriend beater. I saw Bossman drag the coffin of Big Show's dad around the cemetery. I saw the Undertaker crucify Steve Austin. Sorry, I meant I saw the Undertaker suspend Steve Austin from a symbol. I saw JBL goosestep on the ring apron. I saw Jim Ross announce Owen Hart's death. I saw Owen's friends mourn him.
I've seen it all Vince, and I've stayed a fan. I've loved the shows, I've hated some of the stuff, but I kept watching. So Vince, I have to ask you.
Why do you want me to stop watching?
I'm not going to say that you've gone too far, because that is a purely subjective thing. There is no definite line to be crossed. Instead, there is merely one's own moral compass to guide them.
But if you're going to stay on the path you seem to have chosen for your programming, I'm going to stop watching. I can't support this product any longer. This constant use and abuse of the memory of Eddie Guerero indicates an incredible lack of respect for the man, his family, his friends, and his fans. Eddie Guerrero is no longer a WWE employee to be manipulated, directed and written about to suit your storylines. Eddie Guerrero is a memory, a tragic reminder of just how fleeting life truly is.
By now, I'm sure you've read Mick Foley's blog on this whole situation. And I'm sure you've heard some of the criticisms that other members of the IWC have written/said (although I'm sure you'll deny that.) And I have a feeling that the more people criticize you, the more you will decide to continue on this path, if only to show that you can't be swayed.
So I'm not going to tell you to stop. I'm not going to ask you to stop. I'm not going to use words like 'disgusting', 'vile', 'repugnant', or 'reprehensible.' I'm just going to ask you my question.
Why do you want me to stop watching?
Because the current storylines don't compell me to watch. They make me uncomfortable. They make me change the channel. And I feel no urge to switch back.
So if you don't want me watching your professional wrestling product anymore, ignore my letter. The choice is yours. But the final choice is mine.

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