After a number of entirely too thinky posts about pro wrestling, I think I'm just going to to offer some random ramblings. Or, randomblings. Yes, the name is stupid, but its late, and I'm not feeling particularly creative. Most of these will be inspired by TNA Impact, which I am watching as I type.
I've never been a huge Shannon Moore fan. This isn't a slight on his talent or anything, its just that he's always been a secondary character. From 3-Count, to Matt's M-F'er, Moore has never been a bigtime player. Particularly because there are guys who do the follower thing so much better. (Eric Young, I'm looking at you.) And I think its cool that he's trying to prove his place as a top guy.
But seriously, the "Prince of Punk?" Thats your gimmick? And this is how you look?

Dude, you look like a moron. Good Charlotte is more punk than you. Hell, Hillary Duff is more punk than you. I admire the thought of establishing an identity for yourself that doesn't require Shane Helms or Matt Hardy, but this isn't it.
This would allow some other X-Division wrestlers to be elevated, and would allow the Joe/AJ/Daniels feud to evolve at a better rate and not get burned out. Plus, it could allow them to keep the feud going for the big primetime debut on Spike.

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